Are you interested in an Apprenticeship?
Places to look for Opportunities are:
On the Social Media pages and Website of the company you are interested in working for
On the Shetland Times or the Shetland News Websites job section and their Facebook pages
UHI Shetland website who share information on Apprenticeships and share vacancies
Apprenticeship.Scot Website who list a wealth of information about Apprenticeships, including Frameworks available and Apprenticeship vacancies across Scotland.
If you are interested in an Apprenticeship these are all good places to start!
Places to look for Opportunities are:
On the Social Media pages and Website of the company you are interested in working for
On the Shetland Times or the Shetland News Websites job section and their Facebook pages
UHI Shetland website who share information on Apprenticeships and share vacancies
Apprenticeship.Scot Website who list a wealth of information about Apprenticeships, including Frameworks available and Apprenticeship vacancies across Scotland.
If you are interested in an Apprenticeship these are all good places to start!